
Welcome to our community and your online source for the best in music. Join our community and share your favorite songs, beats or tracks with the rest of the world!

Free Download

Download all kinds of music at our website, from known artist, coming up artist, instumental beats, music from movies and even music from video games!

Buy The Album

Watch a video of your selected song, listen to the full song right where you download it and even find links to buy the album from one place, here on our website!

Free Music Promotion

We offer free music promoting to all musicians from around the world, contact us for our music promoting plan with no fees or payments required from you!

What You Will Find With Us

  • An extensive online collection of all types of music, download what you love or explore all new genres.

  • If we do not have what you are looking for, register to our site and request it yourself for download.

  • Multiple sections which let's you share and communicate with other members or download and upload freely.

Everyone is dedicated and not just the members of the site!


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Our Service

Service Provided By Us

Here's a quick list of what you will expect from our Rawtrex site.

No Registration Required

You may download music and watch videos freely throughout our site and request songs if registered.

Friendly Staff Members

Any issues you have on the site you can always quickly contact a staff member for any kind of support.

Ads And Virus Free

No banners or ads on our site, all uploads are checked by staff members to make sure they are safe to download.

Fully Free Service

Registration is free, no monthly fees, no houry rates, no hidden charges, when we say free we mean it.

Music Section
Countdown for new updates by the staff members to this section of the website.

Activity Database

Here is a quick glance of the number of shares within our major sections on Rawtrex!

5 Total blogs on our website.
2058 Total tracks on our website.
19 Total images in our gallery.
44 Total videos on our website.

Registration Benefits

Registration to our website is free, but with registration you also gain special benefits just for being part of our community or sharing interest with everyone else!


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